United We Stand, Divided We Beg

News and Announcements

127 update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We at Local 127 are in a fight for your rights and I'm asking for all members for help.

I need you to call your Representative and/or Senator and ask for the passage of House Docket, # 678  An Act Souza's Law - Change MassDOT Highway workers from Group 1 to Group 4 and also House Docket, # 685  An Act allowing MassDOT vehicles to use red lights for safety,

These two bills were filed by Mr. John J. Marsi, 6th Worcester District and on behalf of the Teamsters Local 127 I would like to thank him. I would like to add these bills have been tried in the past and with all your support we can make this happen.

Thank you.

In Solidarity,
Brother George

George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127

Monthly Dues

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It is your responsibility to stay current with your monthly dues and to make sure your dues are paid. If you're out from injury or sickness or any leave at all, you need to pay your dues. Teamsters have compiled a list of members that are in arrears and DOT will start deducting an extra $20 per pay period till caught up.
Thank you,
Brother George

George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127


General membership Meetings

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Dates for general membership meetings for 2025 held at the Auburn Elks Lodge 754 Southbridge St. Auburn Ma,01501:
All meetings start 5:pm sharp.
Thank you,
George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127


Rear Facing Red Flashing Lights

To all my brothers and sisters,
We can put rear facing red flashing lights on the rear light bars and rear facing strobes. Please see the mechanic shop and get red flashing lights installed to all Mechanic Supervisors. If you have any questions please call me.
Thank you.
In Solidarity,
Brother George
George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127
Phone 508-473-0510 

Up-to-date addresses

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please make sure Teamsters Local 127 and  the DOT have your correct home address, and if you have no access to a state email, make sure we have your personal email.  As we have sent out a mailing in the past month and received back 15 members with wrong addresses, please make sure your addresses and emails are up-to-date 
Thank you for all you do.
In solidarity.
Brother George
George E. McGilloway
Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local, 127
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