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Quarantine Sick Leave

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
If you have been instructed by MASSDOT to quarantine in the absence of symptoms of COVID-19, as a result of not receiving a booster vaccine, please contact the Teamsters Local 127 office. A grievance was filed by USW on this matter and the determined resolution is that MASSDOT will reimburse any sick leave taken as a result of this guidance. 
In Solidarity,
George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer

Teamsters Local 127


Website Update

Brothers and Sisters,

As I’m sure you already know MassDOT is going live with their Workpartners program on Thursday September 22nd.  We presented the DOT with a demand to bargain on this matter on June 14th and have yet to meet at the bargaining table. 

As for the Red Circled employees the Teamsters have filed a Step II grievance to get the contractual raises you are owed. Hopefully it won’t have to go to arbitration but we are prepared if that situation arises.

George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127
Phone 508-473-0510


Red-circled Unit B and C members

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please note this communication sent from our attorney:

Dear Olinda:

Per my message this afternoon, I need to speak with you at your very earliest opportunity regarding certain Unit B and C members — particularly the custodial staff — whom the Department has treated as “red-circled” and thus has failed to provide any retro pay or wage increases under our most recent contract.  As you know, the subject of red-circled employees was never discussed at the bargaining table, so it comes as a surprise that anyone covered by the MOAs has not received the agreed-upon wage increases.  The problem is exponentially greater now inasmuch as the Department has just seen fit to give an additional 10 percent wage increase (for a total of almost 17% over the life of the CBA) to the highest paid and mostly white male workforce of Unit E, while continuing to give absolutely nothing to the mostly female and BIPOC members at the lowest end of the pay spectrum.

At this juncture, the Union respectfully requests that the Department provide the following information:

1.   A list of all Unit B and C employees whom the Department contends are red-circled and thus unable to receive any or all of the agreed upon retro pay and wage increases.

2.   A copy of any agreement between the parties or any law, rule, regulation or policy that the Department relied on to determine that any Unit B or C employees are red-circled at this juncture.

I would appreciate the opportunity to talk to you as soon as possible without regard to the time it may take to respond to the Union’s information request.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this exceedingly important matter.


 Attorney for Teamsters Local 127

    Teamsters were informed that Covid hazard pay is on its way: second pay period in July.

    Teamsters are still in talks about the pay disparity issues whereas new hires came in at top step for life experience that was not afforded to all our members.

My promise to you all: I will fight with VIGOR all the way to arbitration and or District Court.

George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127

MassDOT Units B and C 2020-2023 CBAs Retro Pay and Pay Increase Implementation Schedule

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I'm writing to provide MassDOT's implementation schedule for the Units B and C 2020-2023 CBAs with respect to retro pay and raises.

    Beginning the pay period starting May 8, 2022, employees' salaries shall be adjusted to reflect the new pay scale that became effective July 2021. This will be reflected in the May 27, 2022 pay advice.

    Beginning the pay period starting May 22, 2022,  Units B & C retroactive payments* for the period from December 6, 2020 to May 7, 2022 will be processed.  This will be reflected in the June 10, 2022 pay advice.

        *Currently, there are 147 employees who changed bargaining units between Units B and C during the contract term, primarily as a result of the classification study. Because of changes in bargaining units, the retroactive payments covering December 6 2020 to May 7, 2022 for these 147 employees must be calculated manually.  HR is trying to get those payments included in the June 10, 2022 pay advice. I will update you when we learn the date this payment shall be paid to these 147 employees.

    All Unit B and C employee retroactive payments for the period of July 5, 2020 through December 5, 2020 must be calculated manually, as a result of the classification study implementation.  HR is trying to get those payments included in the June 10, 2022 pay advice. I will update you when we learn the date for this payment.

    Beginning the pay period starting June 5, 2022, the 1.5% bonus pay (minimum $1,000) will be processed for Unit B & C employees.  This will be reflected In the June 24, 2022 pay advice.

    Beginning the pay period starting July 3, 2022, the 2022 pay increase will be processed for Units B & C employees.  This will be reflected in the July 22, 2022 pay advice.

MassDOT and HRD have not determined the date the Hazard Pay payment shall be made. However, we anticipate it will be after the completion of the schedule noted above. I will update you when I have a specific date.
George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127


Salary Increases

Attention Brothers And Sisters,
All contractual pay increases will be implemented starting the week of 5/8/22 and will be in the 5/27/22 paychecks. The DOT still hasn’t given a timeframe on the retro and COVID payments we are owed.
George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127


Union Update

On April, 4.2022, Governor Baker signed bill H.4578 into law. In that bill is the supplemental budget for our cost-of-living raises that are owed to us upon completion of our last contract between MassDOT and the unions. We appreciate your patience during this process and just know the money is coming now sooner than later. Also, under the new contract all licenses and continuing education that are required for you job are reimbursable, including your DOT physical.
In Solidarity,
Brother George
George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer

Teamsters Local 127


Contract Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As you know, the contract was ratified and signed Jan,14.2022 with retroactive pay and the clock is still ticking.  I stated to all you members that your monies would be here by March at the latest, including $2000 Covid pay .
Teamsters fought long and hard and were lied to by Head Negotiator Olinda Marshall and the rest of the DOT team. She stated, and I quote, our contract and the Covid 19 pay did not need legislation approval.  Well, it most 
certainly did.  We are doing our best to help facilitate payments to all members.  Thank you for your patience .
In solidarity,
Brother George

George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127

Union Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The contract was signed by all unions at the end of January, then is goes through processing.  All members should be receiving their raises and retroactivity payments in 60 days.
To all members,
Teamsters are well aware of the pay disparity of new hires and truly understand the frustration. I take full responsibility and vow to get to the bottom of this problem.
Our contract states that all new hires start at Bottom Step and grade in their respective job title in black and white. DOT did this without Union knowledge.
Teamsters have our attorneys on this issue. Now that our contract is settled, we can focus on this morale buster and make all members whole.
My apologies to all of you for the lack of updates on the web site. I battled Covid 19 for a little time.
In solidarity,
Brother George

George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127

Teamsters New England JC10 Scholarship Fund

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
If you have a Senior in high school planning on attending college in the fall of 2022, please apply for the Teamsters New England JC10 scholarship fund.
All application must be received at this local before March,21.2022 for consideration.

Please find applications in our download section.
In Solidarity,
Brother George

George E. McGilloway Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127

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