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Membership dues

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

A reminder that the monthly dues rate for members of Teamsters Local 127 is 2.25% of the hourly wage. Dues increases should be implemented the month following any increase in an employee/member's hourly rate of pay.

Plain and simple, as your pay increases, so will your dues.

I would also like to mention that members that are in arrears with their dues will see that being deducted from their pay as an initiation fee. And with the next two raises of 4% each you will see the dues increase.

In solidarity.
Brother George

George E. McGilloway
Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local, 127

Ratification Vote

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The ratification vote to extend our contract for one year with an 8% pay increase was a resounding Yes with one dissenting vote no.

I will forward your votes to the DOT for execution.

George E. McGilloway
Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127

Contract Ratification

Brothers and Sisters,

Attached is the final CBA for July 2023-July 2024. Please submit your YES or NO vote to by the close of business day on 7/14/23.

Unit B

Unit C

Proposed DOT Successor Agreement

Dear brothers and Sisters,
Teamsters have a proposed successor agreement with DOT.
The MOU highlights are as follows:
Two (2) 4% across- the board pay increases. The first increase is effective July,2023, with the second following in January 2024
Due to the compounding affect, the pay increases effectively total an 8.16% pay increase by January 2024
There are additional funds to be negotiated on the table for the benefit of all Teamster members.
Very Important:
Please look for a ratification vote coming soon on The Teamsters web page. Then you can vote by sending Yes or No to
Thank you for all you do.
In solidarity,
Brother George

George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127


Important news update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The executive branch proposed to the Healey administration a one-year extension on the collective bargaining agreement. Our attorneys are looking over the fact of the offer: 4% when we signed the agreement, 4% in six months, one year from the agreement $500 cash. Sounds like a no-brainer, but the Teamsters would still like our attorney's recommendations.

In solidarity,
Brother George

George E. McGilloway
Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local, 127

Important Weather Update

Meeting Canceled
The General Membership Meeting on Tuesday March,14.2023 at the Auburn Elks 5:00pm Is canceled due to the pending Nor'easter predicted.
Thank you.
In Solidarity,

George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127


Dues Adjustments

To all members:

You will see an adjustment to your dues rate next pay period.  This coincides with the CBA pay increase you received last July. The rate is calculated at 2.25% of your hourly wage rounded to the nearest dollar.

Thank you.
In solidarity,

George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127

Important Scholarship Announcement

If you have a son or daughter that is a high school senior who plans to attend college or a vocational school, request a scholarship application today!
The sons and daughters of Teamster members can apply for the annual scholarships provided by the Joint Council 10 of New England.
High school seniors who plan to attend an accredited college, university or an approved vocational school are eligible to apply for the scholarships.
Teamsters Local 127
197 Main St. Suite 201 
Milford, MA 01757


Pay Disparity

MassDOT has not agreed to bring current members making less than the new hires up to the maximum step grade.  As it stands, MassDOT has the right to bring any new employee in at any step grade on a case-by-case basis, with approval from the Chief Human Resources Officer.  This issue is not able to be arbitrated.  While the Union understands how impactful this is to the affected membership, this unfortunately is the end result of negotiations surrounding current pay disparities.

George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127
Phone 508-473-0510


Dear Teamsters members,

On December 15th, MassDOT expanded the use of WorkPartners, the third-party administrator, to request extended medical leaves and for reporting day-to-day sick call. Members are given a choice to use a self-service portal or call in their requests on a recorded line.

Teamsters have NOT agreed to the use of this third-party vendor. Your Union believes that compelling a member to use this platform to access your contractual benefits is at the very least a change in working conditions but could additionally be a breach of your rights.

When the self-serve portal came on-line, Teamsters had an opportunity to read the “Terms of Use” and discovered that by agreeing to the terms, members will allow WorkPartners access to data not related to your need for leave. Under the Terms and Conditions of the WorkPartners portal, the use of their system allows access to GPS and other geolocation of the device being used, access to the camera, photo album, contacts and other websites used by the device, and monitoring and recording of other information, usage trends, and device activity to target information to the user. Moreover, the Terms and Conditions also includes language pertaining to the storage, sharing, and use of information provided to subsidiary and related companies to WorkPartners. Additionally, Teamsters have NOT agreed to voice recording of our members and we have NOT agreed to the collection of data pertaining to your leave requests.

Because MassDOT is moving forward despite our objections, the Union is advising members to comply with the direction from the employer(s) to use WorkPartners so that your requested leave(s) will not be in jeopardy and to give WorkPartners any information you feel is necessary to facilitate your leave and that you are comfortable sharing with this third party. 

However, two important things you need to know about your interactions with Workpartners are:

First, there is a form entitled “Authorization to Release” Information that will be given to you when you apply for extended benefits. By signing this document, you give WorkPartners the right to call and speak to your healthcare provider about your condition or your family member’s condition. WorkPartners can ask any question they believe to be necessary to clarify and/or authenticate your leave request. The Union would advise you NOT to sign this document unless WorkPartners articulates the specific reason why they must speak to your medical provider. If you are uncomfortable or question having WorkPartners contact your medical provider, please reach out to your Union representative. 

Second, when calling in to WorkPartners to report a leave, or when using the self-serve portal for day-to-day sick calls, you may give WorkPartners any information you feel necessary; however, if you are uncomfortable giving out detailed information when you are asked the reason for your need for leave, you can answer by saying "I choose not to disclose". This answer is consistent with current WorkPartners training documents. Please remember that all calls to the WorkPartners phone number will be recorded, and any information provided via phone or the portal is currently being documented. 

In solidarity,

George E. McGilloway
Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local, 127

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