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COVID-19 Vaccine Timeline and Eligibility Information

Brothers and Sisters,
As you may be aware, the Baker-Polito Administration announced this morning the timeline for all remaining Massachusetts residents to be eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine.  The full timeline is available at  All Massachusetts residents can preregister to book an appointment at a mass vaccination site at
The next group of residents will become eligible on March 22nd.  This group includes employees in certain fields, including transportation and transit.  Some, but not all, MassDOT employees will be eligible in this group based on their occupation.  Employees who are currently required to work in-person on a regular basis, including those who are required to work in-person on certain days and work remotely on other days, are eligible under this category.  Employees who are not required to work in-person are not eligible under this category, although they may be eligible based on other factors.
Employees are also reminded that they may be currently eligible or become eligible on March 22nd or April 5th based on other factors such as age and medical conditions.  Vaccine eligibility will be expanded to all residents 16 years of age or older on April 19th.  
In addition to preregistration, the federal government distributes vaccines to CVS Health sites as part of the Federal Retail Pharmacy Partnership as well as to certain Massachusetts federally qualified community health centers.  Employees looking to book appointments across any of these providers should visit to learn more.
Thank you,
In Solidarity,
George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127

News and Updates

Brothers and Sisters,
Teamsters Local 127 is backing the Covid-19 retirement bill, House Docket, NO.1794.  That give all you front line essential workers 3 years to your service or age.  Please call your local representative and senator and tell them you want them to back House Docket, NO.1794.
Thank you for the great job you all do.
In solidarity,

George E. McGilloway Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127

Union Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Great news - license reimbursement! You need to contact your district administrator. Take pictures and download all of your licenses and send them to your district for reimbursement for any and all licenses that are “required” in your job title.

Stay safe and well,

Brother GEORGE

George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127

Union Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The re-class and upgrades have started; This will take some time as you can imagine and it's not an easy task.  When you get your re-class letter and you have questions call Joan Makie and she will be happy to assist; see her #s below  We are still not able to have a General membership Union meeting; as soon as we can we will inform all members. Thank you to all of you for standing tall during these trying times.
In Solidarity
Brother GEORGE


George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127

Union Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Good news is retro pay is finally here.  Thank you so much for your patience and understanding with this long overdue process.
Please be advised that we are still waiting on the classifications of every Teamster member.  Call Joan Mackie Director of HR operations, office 857-368-8539, cell# 617-699-3307 and speak with her any questions you may have on retro payments and upgrades.
We had an E-board meeting A\and thought it would be prudent to cancel the general membership meetings till the first of the year In light of Covid 19.   As soon as the upgrades and classifications are finished, on to the next round: contract negotiations.  Again, thank you very much for your support.
In Solidarity,
Brother GEORGE


George E. McGilloway

Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer

Union Update

Good afternoon,
I have been working with HRD and the Comptroller’s Office on the implementation of the Unit B CBA increases and the implementation of the remainder of the Classification Study.

The Unit B CBA increases effective 7/9/17, 7/8/18 and 7/7/19 are scheduled to be processed during the pay period August 16, 2020 to August 29, ,2020 (included in pay advice of September 4, 2020).  In the event there is an issue and it cannot be processed during this pay period I will let you know.

I have submitted the request to process the CBA retroactive payments to the Office of the State Comptroller but have not received a confirmation of the date they will be processed.  Once I have the date I will let you know.

The increase of $700.00 to Step 12 effective 6/30/2020 and the $750.00 bonus for employees who remain red-circled will be processed after the classification/bargaining unit changes effective 2/16/2020 are implemented.

Once both the CBA increase and retroactive payments are processed we will continue with the implementation of the remaining Classification Study changes.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Joan Makie,
Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Director of HR Operations
10 Park Plaza – Suite 3170 | Boston, MA 02116
Tel 857.368.8539 | Cell 617.699.3307 | Fax 857.368.0654

News Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Happy to announce that Governor Baker officially signed into law Bill 4808 to fund the unit B CBA.  We are working with DOT to push forward immediate payments for our members.
Thank you all for your understanding.
In Solidarity,


George E. McGilloway Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer
Teamsters Local 127

News Update

The classifications are coming out.  Please review and read very carefully.  There is an appeal process if you should have any issues.
The governor signed an emergency supplemental budget to fund our contract and put it on the fast track for payment.
We do not have an exact payment date.
Look for info on the upcoming IBT national election coming soon.
Thank you for all you do - proud to call everyone of you TEAMSTERS.
Thank you
In solidarity
George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer

News Update

The Bill has passed to fund our new salaries.
Last night the legislature funded the Unit B contract. Now the Governor has 10 days to sign.
6/24/2020 House  Passed to be engrossed - 158 YEAS to 0 NAYS supplement, No 188
In English it means your money is coming.
Again, I really appreciate your patience.
In Solidarity,
Brother GEORGE
George E. McGilloway
Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer


Union Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Good news: Chapter 150 E. Section 7 appropriation request has made it onto the supplemental budget.  I know this has been a long and arduous process. This is our state government at work. Please call your State Rep. and/or Senator And ask them to help push this along.
Call secretary Stephanie Pollock's office toll free at 1-877-623-6846 and tell her how long you have been waiting for our raises.
Again thank you for your patience. Your money is coming.
In solidarity,

George E. McGilloway Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Executive Officer

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